Self Care & Projects

Creating A Safe Space

Building Confidence

Practicing Positive Affirmations & Self Talk

Self Compassion

Mixed Media Self Portrait

Step 1: Practice Portraiture
Use face-mapping techniques to create portraits in proportion. Use a mirror to guide this drawing and practice adding realistic color to eyes.

Step 2: Choose Quotes and Practice Lettering Show a variety of fonts, typefaces, and ways of displaying and designing words. Encourage
students to reflect on advice they’ve received
and write down lyrics and sayings that really
speak to them. Sharing these sayings and advice can influence self-expression, individualism, and bullying.
Talk about the roles in a bullying situation, and empathize with each of the roles.
Discuss solutions for bullying situations.

Step 3: Draw and Reflect
Students will draw themselves from the bridge of the nose to the top of the head in order to place emphasis on the eyes. This leaves room at the top of the paper for students to design their sayings in quote or thought bubbles.
Throughout the project have students reflect
upon their views of abusing and empowerment. Have them create artist statements describing why they chose their quotes. Display these in the hallway to create a sense of an empowered community.

Affirmation Card Project

Finding wise words in stressful lives
You will need blank, unlined index cards, scissors, magazines, writing implements, glue and magazines. Write down affirmations that you like.
Here are some examples: ‘I am enough,’ ‘I can do whatever I focus my mind on,’ ‘I am healthy,’ ‘I am creative,’ ‘I believe in myself.’
Take a note card and write down one affirmation. Create an image on each affirmation card that represents that statement for you. You can carry around these cards with you or choose to look at them when you need.

Why It Helps

These daily affirmations can help you to develop a more positive self-esteem. Having positive thoughts about yourself can potentially re-wire the connections in your brain causing you to feel better about yourself. It is important to rework our thoughts. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) works to adjust thoughts and the behaviors associated with those thoughts. If we change negative thoughts into positive ones, our behaviors will likely follow.

Make Space For Yourself Art Therapy

Self Care Jar Project

Photo Credit:
Instructions Credit: Mind On A Mission Blog
Today we bring you a fun activity from Mind On A Mission. They came up with an ingenius idea to increase that motivation: a self-care jar. This jar takes away indecisiveness and makes self-care fun and spontaneous. It is tailored to your needs and just creating this jar can be an act of self-care.

What You Will Need
1.  Jar (mason jar or even some kind of vase with a large opening works- they have them at the dollar store)
2. pen/marker and strips/squares of paper (colored paper if you want to make it more festive- cut into small enough pieces to fold and fit in the jar)
3. whatever you want to decorate the outside of the jar with (stickers, ribbon, puff paint, construction paper, etc.)
What To Do
On each piece of paper, write a self-care activity. Keep in mind the amount of time you typically have and the activities that you will be more likely to follow through with.
Also, remember that self-care is supposed to be something to TAKE YOU AWAY from everyday stress FOR THE LONG RUN not add to it.
Therefore, eating a carton of ice cream may not be the best self-care activity for the long haul.
Here are some ideas to get you started (there are also many other good ideas available online):

Go for a run/walk
Make a list of 5-10 things you appreciate about yourself                                                    Call up an old friend just to chat
Learn something new
Listen to your favorite artist (while doing nothing else!) for 15 minutes
Watch an episode of your favorite show
Make a cup of tea and drink it while reading a chapter in your favorite book
Play an instrument
Paint or draw (whether you are good at it or not)
Dedicate 30 minutes to a hobby

2. Set up a specific routine for when you will draw from the jar and stick to it! (i.e. three times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5pm)
3. Decorate the jar in whatever way you want! I know for me, the prettier something is, the more likely I am to utilize it.

Other Self Care Jar Ideas

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Creating a Safe Space Project

There are several different ways to create a safe space for processing your hurts and challenges. You can create a physical space such as having a small area of your living space that's comfortable and has an air of relaxation.

Soul work starts with rejecting the false belief that we are worthless and broken. If you believe you are undesirable you will not put in your best work because you feel you don't deserve to feel good, make positive changes, and pursuing that which brings you joy and satisfaction. You can also create your own portable safe space by gathering a small box of some kind, decorating the outside with art or visual positive affirmations

Dedicate yourself to purposeful self reflection, even if it's just 5 mins. Inside you can create inspiration cards, cards with your short term goals to keep you motivated, or record how you feel or what you're doing that day to go forwards. The ideas are endless!

Make it yours, because you belong to you first, and you have every right to feel success, delight, and accomplishment.

You are safe here, beautiful one.
