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Financial Independence

Finding Financial Independence After Abuse Free courses teach financial literacy When an abuser controls a couple’s money, survivors often feel trapped indefinitely. Making their victims financially dependent on them is yet another means of power and control abusers utilize. These abusers have often made certain survivors aren’t privy to where the couple’s shared money is kept, how to access it, or even  if  they can access it. After leaving, a survivor may not know how to open a bank account, apply for credit or pay their monthly bills. “Economic abuse is very much intertwined with other aspects of abuse in the sense of monetary control, isolation from bank accounts, etcetera,” says David Anderson, executive vice president of  Working in Support of Education , or W!SE. With sponsorship from the Allstate Foundation, W!SE created the MoneyW!SE Program for survivors of domestic violence seven years ago to teach personal finance skills to survivors of domestic abuse. Start W

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